A downloadable game

I've been working on a random level generator for Super Mario 64, using libsm64 and Godot Engine as a base.

It's still a work in progress, but things are far enough along that I'm comfortable with others giving it a shot.

If you like this project, and you'd like to support me, I'd be thankful if you could head to my kofi page and toss any amount you like my way. Rent is difficult to pay, and if each person who downloaded sent $1, I'd be able to update this and work on other game projects like it, full time.



Place an unmodified Super Mario 64 NTSC ROM in the game directory, or the game will not work.

The ROM must be named "SM64.z64" exactly. It should look like this:

I can't help you acquire this ROM - you'll have to do that yourself.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(33 total ratings)
Tagsmario, Procedural Generation, super-mario-64


Infinite Mario 64.7z 32 MB

Install instructions

Place an unmodified Super Mario 64 NTSC ROM in the game directory, or the game will not work.

The ROM must be named "SM64.z64" exactly. It should look like this:

I can't help you acquire this ROM - you'll have to do that yourself.

Development log


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some suggestions i have for possible updates:

  • 8 red coins spawning
  • special cap blocks (wing, metal, vanish)
  • level themes (a level with a bob-omb battlefield theme would have the grass textures n stuff, play the right music, etc.)
  • enemy spawning (could be affected by the level theme)
  • playable luigi

I entered like 30530850820858093580932588903 as my seed. Does it really allow arbitrary precision seeds or does it just wrap around/truncate the value?

will there be any plans to add enemy generation or different textured terrain?

for some reason mario randomly turns to the right

i am using an xbox controlle

(1 edit)
It does not detect any button on my controller or keyboard even though I have the rom in the file.

same, level seems to generate but it just says 'press A to spawn' and no spawning happens

nevermind got it working

my PC are 32 bits, how i can play?

Does this game requires a Nintendo 64 controller?

no. I think with the new update you dont need a control, you can use your keyboard

i tried every button on thhe keyboard and nothing happens

oh wait, i forgot the rom file

the game started working, thanks for helping

The transparent background feature doesn't seem to be working anymore in the latest update.

I opened the Game and it didn't reflect what I was pressing, I tried everything but I couldn't,

 I wait for answers :)


you need to connect an n64 controller to ur pc lol

Very good job. Sadly using Proton experimental is slower than simply using a native Linux version of a Linux game engine. Would be cool a Linux binary is distributed.

it tells me to press a to start but when I do it does nothing

Did you place the file where it is supposed to be? If no: Read the desc here. The game doesn't tell you on its own if the ROM is missing.

Oh i didnt have a rom in there

so does this have virus?

Nope 😊


do you need a controller to play?

Not anymore

This is really cool. The space the level is generated in and with the grids it has reminds me a lot of Disgaea's item world and that makes me smile.

I'm hoping there is some more substantive updates to this one. It's good enough it had me playing for 24 stars. I'd love if we could get some of the caps or enemies. Maybe difficulty and map size settings with a enough hours of tuning and play testing some day.

Deleted 309 days ago

Hey, the verification bot is offline, so I can't verify myself. Is there another way to join?


3306255762 has an impossible gap it might be unbeatable :0

I've come across a few unbeatable levels like that lately 😋

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm a complete idiot and accidentally unbinded the A button so now I literally can't spawn or open the settings menu anymore (deleting the game and re-extracting it doesn't seem to reset binds so I have to assume the settings are stored in a file somewhere outside the game folder or something? But I have no idea where to look...)

Would it be possible to allow menu navigation with mouse buttons/enter key etc so that the user doesn't end up in the situation I'm describing?


hey haha, try checking your appdata folder! the stuff might be somewhere in there

this seed has some really tight jumps. this game is so fun it deserves more attention :)

guys I need help

every time  I try to open the game I get an error called "unable to initialize Vulkan video driver".  Does anyone know how to fix it?

(1 edit)

So lately I decided to generate new levels, just for the heck of it, based off of the old NES level format (1-1, 1-2, etc.) and I'm currently stuck on 4-3! Can't seem to reach the star at the end! 😅 Some of the levels have actually been challenging! Y'all should try it!

Edit: I've beaten 4-3! And now I'm royally stuck on 8-1! 😩😅

how do i change seeds

You can easily change seeds in the "pause" menu, with the option to "generate random new level",  type your own number in, or someone else's suggested seed 😊

how do i pause then?

(1 edit) (+1)

mac os when??????????


Can you drop a Linux build?

Its works perfectly on proton, if you know how to use that. Ive been having a blast on steam deck 

I wish I had commented on this when you had just droped this Gem like a month ago! After watching Streamers play this thing, I have a "notes" for the direction of this project if you'll consider them. (These are just my suggestions that I hope you'll look into)
1. Keep the Point A to Point B game style. At current Im really getting some Super Mario Land Vibes and it would be so cool see something like that. 
2. When Putting down rules for generation and textures, Have Always generate 3 common levels (grassland, forest, mountain, beach, etc)  the 4th Generation will always be (castle textures, lava textures) the 5th level a bowers fight if possible. That way the game would mimic the #-1 to #-4
(1-1 to 1-4) Mario formula. It's a very cheep way to introduce illusion progression with out actually having progression 
3. Dont hate me please, I know its unsocited advice from a rando, but it looks so cool  that I though to chime in and hope that you consider the idea if you havent thought of it yourself. 

How do I play???

I would request the ability to remap buttons and controls, and also to adjust the control stick deadzone. But great work so far!


try seed 69HOTPOTATOME

also 10/10 mario fan game

It says I need Vulkan... How do i change the renderer

try -1

I would be very interested in learning how you got godot to interface with an n64 rom.

SM64 was decompiled and made into a library awhile ago for many different projects


To everyone wanting a linux build, its working flawlessly on proton experimental. Its a amazing game for the steam deck

This is great fun but, the transparent background feature does nothing for me. It turns the background black. Is there any fix for this at all?


to anyone who is getting the error where their video drivers don't support vulkan, here's what you need to do

fist of all, you need to open the windows command prompt, easiest way is to type win+r and type in cmd, press enter after

now, type in cd (wherever you installed infinite mario 64)

an example: C:\Users\(user)\Downloads\Infinite Mario 64\Infinite Mario 64

now type in what the error tells you to type in, but incase you forgot its this: IM64.exe --rendering-driver opengl3

and there you go, hopefully that helps out, if it doesn't then oh well, sucks to suck ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

happy finding seeds to have fun in :)

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