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when clicking on history and reloading a seed, some blocks can be rotated differently and your spawn position and angle can be off which is quite frustrating if you're trying to get a good time on a specific seed...

I got the game running but I used a non official switch controller and it still wouldn't work, maybe its the 64rom? i usually play with Xbox configs, any suggestions guys?

Didn't open me the game (even with SM64.z64 in the carpet) to play. It open and closed the game, just a quick.

CnD in 5,4,3,2… nah jk this seems super awesome. Definitely gonna try it out! :)

(1 edit)

what fucking key do you press to START THE GAME.

there are people that can't move and i can't fucking PLAY for fuck's sake

what obscure, mythical control scheme is this shit

edit: ok for some reason the rom wasn't name to SM64.z64 but now i have the same problem as everybody else (can't move mario...,)

use a controller, keyboard is fucked (probably just not implemented yet tho)

(1 edit)


When I booted up the game, I'm stuck at the "Press A to Spawn" screen. It won't do anything when I press A. My controllers are connected like the PS4 controller and 8bitdo controller. Do I need a specific controller for this? Also, I did put this on Steam as a Non-Steam game.

I'm also having the same problem, did anyone find a fix yet?

I understand that it is an early version, but I would like it to have the following corrections:

In the game settings, the screen resolution and choose whether it is full or not, it is bugged.

optimize the game more and more graphical settings for those of us who use low performance devices, we are talking about Mario 64, you should be able to run it without performance problems.

It also needs control configuration, for an analog camera, inverting its axes, being able to change the dead zone, etc...

I see a future for this project but I suggest that you take  everything I have said, please.

you can fix the control issues by adding it to steam and using steam controls


This is awesome. Saw DGR_Dave playing it and had to get it myself. Wonderful job. Only question: any chance the settings will be updated to allow for uninversion of the x-axis? I know inverted is "canon" but I truly loathe it, and it makes the game clunky for me to play rather than fluid and natural. Thanks!

Oh **** yeah. This one is addictive. Thank you !!!


Just wanted to say: For anyone who's stuck at the press A screen, the game only works with the USA ROM!

Only issue I'm having is the transparent background not working. When I enable it and generate a new level the background becomes black.

im also having this problem

Afaik, transparent is only really useful when capturing the game in a program like OBS. If you capture this using Game Capture, then click properties, you can set "Allow Transparency". With these two options combined, the background is transparent in the capture! Though, I've noticed when looking through geometry, the background will return in those spots

If you have an nVidia Graphics Card you have to follw those steps:
1. open "nVidia Control Panel"
2. go to "Manage 3D settings"
3. go to "Program Settings"
4. add the game executable to the list
5. set the setting "vulkan/opengl present method" as "Prefer native method"

I hope in the future, players can change the controls so they can adjust to their preferences. Amazing idea though. 👍

I can jump, crouch, and control camera but I can't move at all. Pressed every single key on my keyboard but still couldn't move Mario; am I doing something wrong?


For an update later on i'd love a multiplayer mode where you can sync up seeds with a friend/random and race stars

cant move, please fix :/




this game is gre- Hello. Nintendo's copyright team here


Nope, the download doesn't contain anything that is copyrighted by Nintendo. You have to get the actual game ROM from somewhere else so this will probably not be taken down


I came across a really fun seed to speedrun: 3215581187 (my pb is 11.785)  it would be cool to see others try it as well :) I would also love a discord or something like that to share clips and seeds, especially when the game gets more updates! 


Oh no the creepy tales and stories are now real, I commend you for making "endless fun" the programmatic way so it actually functions.

when will a mac release come out?


The MD5sum hash of the correct ROM, normally named "Super Mario 64 (U) [!}.z64" is 20B854B239203BAF6C961B850A4A51A2

stuff like this is so cool

(2 edits) (+3)

Please add deadzone settings for controllers, the game's great and I'm trying desperatly not to fall because of the drift


yeee a deadzone option would be great.


Woah!! This is awesome!  I've always dreamed of this as a kid! My only problem with it is that the binds for an actual N64 controller are wrong so I can't play that way :(


In before Nintendo Lawyers show up here. 

This is really neat! I think it would be a cool feature if the levels could be exported in some sort of file format, like as a starting base for designing 3D levels.


Anyone having issues with inputs, I found that adding the game to Steam as a non-Steam game and using the Steam controller config allowed me to fix issues relating to inputs and deadzones on my Switch Pro Controller. It's good for a temporary fix until the functionality is added to the game!

This rocks! Well done friend.

this game is really cool and looks clean! Good Job on making this!

NOTE: i tried this with a japan and usa rom, the japan rom would make me stuck on the press a to start screen with the camera on the start object, but the usa rom seems to work 100% fine.

I tested this with a xbox controller and it also works 100% fine.

(1 edit)

A very cool game


Instructions unclear: Noclipped into Mario 64's backrooms.

Jests aside,  it's always a fascination for me to see how versatile Godot can get.  Very well done.

How can I move Mario?


Hello, the game looks very interesting, very well made, although I have a problem. I can't move Mario, I can only hit, move the camera, crouch, but not move, it would be nice if the game at least had something to configure the buttons in a future update (if that's not too much to ask), but the rest is fine , continue with your work. Thanks :)


How do you change the controls? For some reason no madder what I do I can't move.


Man I want to play this SO bad, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get it running, despite following the directions and trying multiple roms. Hopefully I'll be able to play it in a future update :/

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 86 days ago

Hi, this is really cool but i just have a few things,

Firstly, the performance is terrible, i wouldn't call my computer a gaming pc but i wouldn't call it bad either

Secondly, the game is just really silent without any sort of music, maybe adding the music from the trailer could work?

Thirdly, i feel this game needs keyboard controls, there's some, but either i can't find the inputs or you just can't move at all.

I hope these issues are fixed in the future because this game is really damn cool, it's just got a bit of ironing to do is all, keep on making!


Can't get Mario above a walking speed, might be related to dead zones? Using a Switch Pro Controller if that might affect it

I've noticed that problem too since I also play with a Switch Pro Controller.

try adding the game to steam as a non steam game and adjusting the dead zones with the steam controls. that worked for me

i named the rom right but i can't start the game. i press A and it does nothing but i can move the camera around. what should i do?

If you have the wrong rom but name it right it'll SEEM like it loads but it's broken. I had to download a new rom to get it to work.

try adding the game to steam as a non steam game and adjusting the controls with the steam controls. your a button might be assigned weirdly. that worked for me

this is sick!!! i feel like this would be so much fun if it had a way to race with friends online. great work!


this rocks! the ability to adjust controller stick deadzones and turn vsync off would be nice


consider both features roadmapped for v0.2!

Wow this is great!

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